باقة الامراض المنتقلة جنسياً : ( السعر 799ريال )
تحليل في مختبرات بيتا، نلتزم بأدق التفاصيل ونهتم بتتبع ومواكبة التطورات في القطاع الطبي عالمياً، ونحرص على اختيار صفوة الكوادر المؤهلة بغية تحقيق أعلى معايير الجودة لخدمة كل عميل
- Syphils الزهري
- الكلاميديا Chlamydia
- فيروس الوباء الكبدي ب HBs Ag
- فيروس الوباء الكبدي سي HCV Ab
- فيروس نقص المناعة HIV combo
- Gonorrhea السيلان
- Urine Culture مزرعة البول
Do we need prescription for these testing?
Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual & provides report about detoxification. Hormone Insight can be useful at the Various stages of life.
What is the cost for these testing?
Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual & provides report about detoxification. Hormone Insight can be useful at the Various stages of life.
Do I have to come with empty stomach?
Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual & provides report about detoxification. Hormone Insight can be useful at the Various stages of life.
How much time it takes for report delivery?
Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual & provides report about detoxification. Hormone Insight can be useful at the Various stages of life.
What are the payment methods here?
Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual & provides report about detoxification. Hormone Insight can be useful at the Various stages of life.
Should I bring previous reports of mine?
Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual & provides report about detoxification. Hormone Insight can be useful at the Various stages of life.
How many tests are available for lipid profile?
Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual & provides report about detoxification. Hormone Insight can be useful at the Various stages of life.